Kieferorthopädie Zahnarzt Wien 1200 – Zahnspange
The myofunctional therapy is a treatment with removable devices to actively and passively influence the chewing muscles and other facial muscles. These are partly responsible for the position of the teeth and for the development of jaw growth. On the one hand, myofunctional therapy serves to prevent tooth misalignments in the early phase and, on the other hand, is also a treatment option for existing misalignments.
Not only controlling growth is an essential goal of myofunctional therapy. It also eliminates early disruptive factors and ensures a harmonized growth process with regulation in the jaw.
Functional orthodontic devices involve the orofacial muscles in the treatment. These are intended to normalize muscle activity. In particular, myofunctional therapy aims to permanently eliminate malfunctions. The orthodontic devices control the forces during growth. Through this process of inhibiting and promoting growth, a skeletal misalignment can be compensated for.
Myofunctional treatment details: impactWith removable devices, the patient’s cooperation is particularly important – regardless of the misalignment of the teeth. A minimum wearing time of 12-14 hours! That means all night plus a few hours a day. Schedule an appointment for a free initial consultation!
Here you will find the entire process in my orthodontics explained in detail.