Kieferorthopädie Wien – Zahnspange

 Dr. med. dent Manish Sablania BDS M.Sc. Specialized Orthodontics
All Health Insurance Companies & Private | Orthodontist-Dentist  Vienna 1200 | ✆ +43-1-3306090 | Mon-Fri : 10am – 5pm
Practice for general, aesthetic dentistry, specialists in orthodontics, implantology 

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Our Services Options

Services in Our Practice

Depending on the severity of the tooth misalignment and the type of treatment, health insurance companies or supplementary insurance companies will reimburse parts of the treatment!
Information about reimbursements from health insurance companies:  Please click on your insurance company, you will be redirected directly to the information page. Make an appointment for an initial consultation


Information about reimbursement for additional insurance: Please contact your insurance company, we have no insight into the different contracts.