Kieferorthopädie Zahnarzt Wien 1200 – Zahnspange
Since July 2015 there are new rules for free braces!
As a qualified ÖGK orthodontist, I also offer free braces. This means patients receive 80% – 100% of the health insurance tariff refunded.
Children and young people are entitled to this during and after the change of teeth and up to the age of 18.
If there is a misalignment – severity IOTN 4 or 5, but parents want to offer their children an alternative option (without a subsidy from the health insurance company) to free braces: then we offer:
If there is a severity misalignment of IOTN 4 or IOTN 5, then you are entitled to a refund for the braces. However, these “free braces” for children have one important requirement: only fixed metal braces may be used during the free braces treatment! [/caption]
TIP: Even if the severity of the misalignment (IOTN) has already been determined, I always recommend consulting your health insurance company.
The duration of treatment for fixed/removable free braces obviously depends on the severity of the tooth misalignment.
Duration: Treatment with fixed free braces takes around 18-24 months .
The removable free braces are only helpful if they are worn for at least 12-14 hours per day.
Treatment duration 1 year.
Free initial consultation for dental misalignment in our orthodontic practice. Appointments are available by prior arrangement only!
1. Preparation of treatment documents for an individualized treatment plan. Diagnosis using X-rays, photos, and digital scans—always without impressions.
2. Treatment plan discussion and explanation. Review of X-rays and analysis to determine the type of braces and/or brackets necessary for the individual case.
3. Start of treatment. Placement of the appliance and guidance on cleaning and recommended wearing times.
4. Important and necessary check-ups every 6-8 weeks.
5. End of treatment. Removal of the braces and discussion of the treatment results.
6. Retention phase – the beginning of stabilization to maintain the treatment results.
For example, if children do not have a severity deformity of IOTN 4 or IOTN 5 (a prerequisite for free braces), but only IOTN 2 or 3: