Kieferorthopädie Wien – Zahnspange

 Dr. med. dent Manish Sablania BDS M.Sc. Specialized Orthodontics
All Health Insurance Companies & Private | Orthodontist-Dentist  Vienna 1200 | ✆ +43-1-3306090 | Mon-Fri : 10am – 5pm
Practice for general, aesthetic dentistry, specialists in orthodontics, implantology 

Book Appointment

Health Questionnaire

Dear Patients,

Please fill up your Formular either with QR code or by using above given link. It will reduce your registration time while visiting our clinic.


Do you have questions? We would be pleased if you got in touch with us.

Orthodontics Vienna 1200, Dentist 1200 Vienna

Forsthausgasse 16-20/Stiege 3/EG,1200 Vienna 

Opening times:
Mo-Fri: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

by appointment only